hybrid [PL]

Avtomat je oseba z ogomno interesi; je odprti queer skladatelj, producent, didžej in vokalist, ponosni član ekipe Ciężki Brokat, nekdanji član skupine Oramics (2019-2022), soustvarjalec Radia Kapitał, poljski ambasador za Keychange in rezident platforme SHAPE 2021. Kot grafični oblikovalec, tipograf in ilustrator 3D/AI ustvarja tudi vizualne vsebine. Njegova lastna glasba se je v zadnjih 15 letih večkrat spremenila – od industrijskih, povsem sintetičnih tonov prek čustvenih polifoničnih vokalnih kompozicij s skupino Pleśni do zapletene fuzije ritmično in zvočno raztrganih, basovsko težkih klubskih skladb na EP “Gusła (Human Rites)” (izšel pri Tańce), EP “Doolska”, ki je izšel na omejenem vinilu pri založbi 51-53 Records v Londonu, in najnovejšem EP “Lamenty”.

Avtomat is a person with way too many interests – an openly queer composer, producer, DJ and vocalist, proud member of the Ciężki Brokat crew, ex-Oramics member (2019-2022), co-creator of Radio Kapitał, Polish ambassador for Keychange and SHAPE Platform 2021 resident. He also creates visuals as a graphic designer, typographer and 3D/AI illustrator. His own music has morphed several times throughout the last 15 years – from industrial, purely synthetic timbres, through emotive polyphonic vocal compositions with band Pleśni, to a perplexing fusion of rhythmically and sonically jagged, bass-heavy club tracks on ‘Gusła (Human Rites)’ (out via Tańce), ‘Doolska’ EP, released on limited vinyl by the London-based 51-53 Records and the latest ‘Lamenty’ EP.