Luka Volk je študent filozofije in sociologije na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je novinar tednika Mladine in didžej. Bil je član kolektiva Ustanova, ki prireja glasbene in pogovorne dogodke, ki zadevajo predvsem kvirovske tematike in koncepta klubov kot “safe space” prostorov. Pred tem se je veliko ukvarjal z begunsko in azilno problematiko kot prostovoljec v Socialnem centru Rog, pa tudi s pravicami drugih manjšin v kontekstu grožnje neoliberalnih in neokonservativnih politik kot koordinator dogodkov pri Inštitutu 8. marec.
Luka Volk is a student of philosophy and sociology at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. He is a journalist at Mladina weekly and a DJ. He was a member of the collective Ustanova, which organises music and discussion events, mainly on queer issues and the concept of clubs as "safe space" spaces. Previously, he has worked extensively on refugee and asylum issues as a volunteer at the Rog Social Centre, as well as on the rights of other minorities in the context of the threat of neoliberal and neoconservative policies as an event coordinator at the 8th of March Institute.