Marko Hren je eden osrednjih akterjev novih družbenih gibanj, zlasti mirovnega gibanja, ter povezovalni člen med slovenskimi gibanji ter mednarodnim mirovnim gibanjem ter član sveta WRI (World Resisters International). Leta 1986 je postal urednik Mirovnih zvezkov. Februarja 1988 je bil pobudnik ustanovitve koordinacije novih družbenih gibanj. Po letu 1990 pa je postal soustanovitelj Mirovnega inštituta ter in pobudnik konverzije vojašnice na Metelkovi v kulturni center. Bil je tudi dolgoletni urednik Vodnarjevega lista, prvega glasnika duhovnih gibanj v Sloveniji, pobudnik in soustanovitelj prve etične trgovine v jugovzhodni Evropi 3Muhe, ustanovitelj in vodja Svetovnonazorske kozmološke skupnosti UPASANA Sanjava prostost duha.
Marko Hren is one of the main actors of the new social movements, especially the peace movement, and a link between Slovenian movements and the international peace movement, and a member of the WRI (World Resisters International) Council. In 1986 he became editor of the Peace Notebooks. In February 1988, he was the initiator of the establishment of the Coordination of New Social Movements. After 1990, he became co-founder of the Peace Institute and initiated the conversion of the Metelkova barracks into a cultural centre. He was also the long-time editor of the publication Vodnarjev list, the first herald of spiritual movements in Slovenia, the initiator and co-founder of the first ethical shop in South-Eastern Europe 3Muhe, the founder and leader of the cosmological community UPASANA.