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NURSE3D posega v prvinska in spremenjena stanja duha s temačnimi, intenzivnimi in vznemirljivimi nastopi v živo, ki uničijo prizorišča od Berghaina do Fold Londona.

NURSE3D obrača in preobrača ekstremne glasbene zvrsti, kot so hardcore, breakcore, metal in IDM, v razburljivih setih, ki dosežejo do 1.000 BPM, preden se spustijo v temačne, surove taline hrupa.

Njen prvi nastop v živo se je zgodil na festivalu CTM leta 2022. Od takrat podpira izvajalce, kot so Show Me The Body, Pictureplane, Kavari in Deli Girls, na turnejah po Evropi, ki igrajo na queer klubskih večerih in festivalih, hkrati pa nenehno objavlja nove eksperimentalne izdaje.


NURSE3D taps into primal and altered states of mind with dark, intense and exhilarating live performances that see it annihilate venues from Berghain to Fold London.

Extreme music genres like Hardcore, Breakcore, Metal and IDM are twisted and contorted in mind-warping sets that reach up to 1,000 BPM, before descending into pitch-black, harsh noise meltdowns.

Its debut live performance took place at CTM Festival in 2022. Since then it has supported artists like Show Me The Body, Pictureplane, Kavari and Deli Girls, touring across Europe playing at queer club nights and festivals, while continually releasing new experimental records.