Renata Šribar je zunanja predavateljica na Pedagošku fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in Fakulteti za zdravstvene vede Univerze v Novem mestu. Kot raziskovalka sodeluje z AMEU-ISH. Bolj kot prekarno delo (a vendar v povezanosti z njim) jo v zadnjih letih družbeno-politično, kulturno in državljansko označuje esejistična in diskusijska tematizacija kriz, ki se kopičijo v civilizacijski prelom. Na srečo zatečeno stanje 'duha časa' blažijo socialni otoki družinskih zavezanosti, kolegialnosti in prijateljstev.

Renata Šribar is an external lecturer at the Faculty of Education of the UL and the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UNM. She works as a researcher with AMEU-ISH. In recent years, more than her precarious work (but in connection with it), she has been characterised socio-politically, culturally and civically by essayistic and discursive thematisation of the crises accumulating in the rupture of civilisation. Fortunately, the depressed state of the 'zeitgeist' is mitigated by the social islands of family commitments, collegiality and friendship.