knnz (Neža Knez) je vizualna umetnica, ki se v svojih delih ukvarja s tematikami narave, tehnologije in posameznika ter z njihoimo prepletanjem. Svoja dela predstavlja v obliki video instalacij ali VJ nastopov, saj ji to omogoča predstaviti dela v novih prostorskih razsežnostih. Sodeluje pri srečanjih in dogodkih V2V skupnosti v Osmozi. Prav tako pa je benda tetameta in kolektiva Nimaš izbire, kjer deluje kot VJ in vizualna umetnica.

24.8. - 26.8.
knnz (Neža Knez) is a visual artist whose work deals with themes of nature, technology and the individual and their interplay. She presents her work in the form of video installations or VJ performances, as this allows her to present her work in new spatial dimensions. She participates in V2V community meetings and events in Osmosis. She is also a member of the band tetameta and Nimaš izbire collective, where she works as a VJ and visual artist.