Mínjás se je v drum and bass zaljubila v Mariboru. Tam se je vse začelo. V miksih eksperimentira in meša več zvrsti, za popestritev občasno v svoj set doda tudi kak komercialni klasični hitič. Poleg nastopov na zasebnih partijih ste jo lahko slišale na dogodkih Ustanove, na DNB Konferenci, v Klubu Monokel, ch0, Kornet festivalu, največkrat pa jo lahko slišite v Pritličju, ko se

iz sten šanka premakne za DJ pult in namesto koktejlov meša glave.

Mínjás fell in love with drum and bass in Maribor. It all started there. In her mixes she experiments and mixes several genres, occasionally adding a commercial classic hit to spice up her set. Apart from private parties, you can hear her at Ustanova events, DNB Konferenca, Monokel club, ch0, Kornet festival, but most of the time you can hear her at Pritličje, when she moves from behind the bar to the DJ desk and mixes heads instead of cocktails.