93 KB


DJ, producent in strasten zbiralec plošč, 93kb, je organizator dogodkov House Therapy in nov rezident sveže ustanovljenega kolektiva Slayvenija. S svojo senzualno selekcijo starih plošč in sodobnih produkcij, prežetih z dinamično energijo in surovimi čustvi, prikazuje širok spekter house glasbe, od globokih in introspektivnih do neusmiljenih in evforičnih zvokov. Njegovi eklektični DJ seti, ki zajemajo house, disco, trance, techno, breaks, new beat, electro in druge nekategorizirane najdbe, odražajo strast do eksperimentiranja in raziskovanja ter ustvarjajo trenutke refleksije in svobode na plesišču.

DJ, producer, and passionate record collector, 93kb, is a founding member of House Therapy events and a new addition to the freshly founded Slayvenija collective.
93kb’s eclectic DJ sets, spanning house, disco, trance, techno, breaks, new beat, electro and other uncategorized gems reflect a commitment to exploration.
Bringing his sensual selection of old records and contemporary productions, infused with dynamic energy and raw emotion, he is showcasing house music’s broad spectrum; from deep and introspective to ruthless and euphoric, offering moments of reflection and liberation on the dance floor.