Emina Bužinkić je raziskovalka, aktivistka in pisateljica na presečiščih migracij, begunstva, izobraževanja, transnacionalne solidarnosti in feministične prakse. Dela kot podoktorska raziskovalka na IRMO - Inštitutu za razvoj in mednarodne odnose v Zagrebu. Je članica Iniciative za svobodno Palestino, Iniciative Transbalkan People's Tribunal in uredniškega kolektiva revije AGITATE! – Unsettling knowledges.

Emina Bužinkić is a researcher, activist, and writer at the intersections of migration, refuge, education, transnational solidarities, and feminist praxis. Emina works as a postdoctoral researcher with IRMO - Institute for Development and International Relations in Zagreb, Croatia. She is a member of the Free Palestine Initiative, the Transbalkan People’s Tribunal Initiative, and the editorial collective for the journal AGITATE! – Unsettling knowledges