Grega Ulen je doktorski študent primerjalne književnosti na Princeton University. Diplomiral je iz svetovne književnosti in bližnjevzhodnih študij na New York University Abu Dhabi. Živi med celinami in jeziki, piše pesmi in eseje ter prevaja. Raziskovalno se ukvarja s filozofijo utopije, dekolonizacijo in odtisom gibanja neuvrščenih na kulturno produkcijo in politično misel 20. stoletja v Afriki, na Bližnjem vzhodu in Balkanu.  

Grega Ulen is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at Princeton University and holds a BA in World Literature and Middle Eastern Studies from New York University Abu Dhabi. He lives between continents and languages, writes poetry and essays, and translates. His research focuses on the questions of utopianism, decolonization, third-worldism, and nonalignment in 20th-century cultural production and political thought from Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans.