Jasmina Ploštajner je soustanoviteljica in redna sodelavka Danes je nov dan ter diplomirana industrijska oblikovalka z Akademije za likovno umetnost Univerze v Ljubljani. Ima več kot 13 leti izkušenj na področju spletnega oblikovanja, za svoje delo pa je prejela tudi več nagrad. Poleg tega se ukvarja s področjem digitalnih pravic, predvsem z vprašanjem vpliva, ki ga ima umetna inteligenca na človekove pravice in demokracijo ter z regulacijo novih tehnologij.
Jasmina is a co-founder of Danes je nov dan, where she has been a regular collaborator for the last 10 years. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, and over 13 years of experience with UI and UX design, for which she has received several awards. Jasmina is also a digital rights expert, focusing her work on the impact artificial intelligence systems have on human rights and democracy, as well as on the question of regulation of new technologies.