Linn Julian Koletnik (on) je magister študij spolov, ustanovitelj Zavoda TransAkcija, dolgoletni trans in LGBIQ+ aktivist ter (so)avtor mnogih LGBTIQ+ publikacij, člankov, razstav in izobraževanj. Trenutno deluje kot raziskovalec pri TGEU - Transgender Europe. Je transfeminist, ki aktivistično deluje po načelu, da je solidarnost praksa, ne le novi kul buzzword. Verjame v jezo kot sredstvo politične manifestacije. V prostem času išče zavetje miru v morju, parkih in gozdovih, najraje v družbi jazbečarja Ljubota.  

Linn Julian Koletnik (they), MA in Gender Studies from CEU, is the founder of TransAkcija Institute, a long-standing trans and LGBTQ+ activist, and (co)author of various LGBTQ+ publications, articles, exhibitions and workshops. Currently, they works as a Research Consultant at TGEU. They are transfeminist, who considers solidarity to be a practice, not just a cool new buzzword. They believe in anger as a means of political manifestation. In their free time, they seek refuge in the peace of the sea, parks, and forests, preferably in the company of their dachshund, Ljubo.