Sara Gurdulić je podiplomska študentka z dvojno specializacijo iz nizozemskih študij ter knjižnične in informacijske znanosti na Fakulteti za humanistiko in družboslovje Univerze v Zagrebu. Od leta 2023 dela kot novinarka pri in piše kot pridružena avtorica za VoxFeminae. Njeno delo temelji na področjih neinstitucionalne kulture, sodobne umetnosti, feminizma, postkolonialnih in queer teorij. Je članica skupine Studentice za Palestino, ki deluje v Zagrebu.

Sara Gurdulić is a postgraduate student with a double major in Dutch Studies and Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. Since 2023 she works as a journalist at and writes as an associate author for VoxFeminae. Her work is based in the fields of non-institutional culture, contemporary art, feminism, post-colonial and queer theories. She is a member of the group Studentice za Palestinu (Students for Palestine) which is based in Zagreb.