Sladjana Lazić (ona/they) je raziskovalka, ki se ukvarja z vprašanji miru in pravičnosti, politike produkcije znanja ter anti- in dekolonialnih pristopov k mišljenju/poznavanju/delovanju miru drugače. Je ena od soustanoviteljic kolektiva YugoslaWomen+Collective in dela kot docentka na Univerzi v Innsbrucku v Avstriji.

Sladjana Lazić (she/they) is a scholar focusing on the questions of peace and justice, politics of knowledge production, and anti- and decolonial approaches to thinking/knowing/doing peace otherwise. They are one of the co-founders of the YugoslaWomen+Collective and work as an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.