Udi Raz je doktorska raziskovalka na Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, kjer raziskuje idejo Nemčije kot nacionalne države, ki nastaja z javnimi poskusi urejanja srečanj med „muslimani“ in „Judi“. Udi je odraščala v Haifi, mestu med Jaffo in Bejrutom. Njeno delo navdihujejo lokalna in globalna, protikolonialna in dekolonialna, pa tudi queer osvobodilna gibanja in teorije. Je članica upravnega odbora organizacije Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East s sedežem v Nemčiji.

Udi Raz is a doctoral fellow at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies. There she investigates the idea of Germany, as a nation-state, which emerges through public attempts to regulate encounters between 'Muslims' and 'Jews'. Raz grew up in Haifa, a city between Jaffa and Beirut. Her work is inspired by local and global, anti- and decolonial, as well as queer liberation movements and theories. Raz is a board member of the Germany-based Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East.