[DK / UY]
dj g2g (they/ona) je dansko/urugvajski_a umetnik_ca, producent_ka in DJ_ka. S svojim energičnim, igrivim, zabavnim in eksperimentalnim pristopom k mešanju žanrov ob sklicevanju na popularno internetno kulturo je ustvaril_a svoj lasten značilen podpis. Po diplomi na The Danish Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Electronic Composition in po svetovnih turnejah, kjer je nastopal_a kot DJ_ka, je postavil_a temelje, iz katerih dj g2g producira in ustvarja glasbo, ki se osredotoča na žanrsko upogibne zvoke s hibridi različnih izvorov, namesto da bi bili vezani na pravila/tradicije enega. Dj seti g2g-a potrjujejo tako urugvajsko kot dansko plat njene_njegove dediščine, pri čemer zapleteno spajajo sodobne latino klubske zvoke, kot so perreo, cumbia in guaracha, s tradicijo usidrane plesne glasbe v Evropi. S svojim ostrim posluhom je g2g sposoben_na brez truda sestaviti sete, pri tem pa ohraniti unikatnost in svobodo, ki sta jo_ga pripeljala do plesne glasbe. Ta zabavni duh je dj g2g prinesel na plesišča po vsem svetu, od barcelonskega Razzmatazza do tajpejskega FINAL-a. V zadnjem času je dj g2g razširil svojo prakso v snemanje zvočnih posnetkov za dokumentarne filme in modne revije, sodeloval_a je v filmu kampanje Dion Lee SS23, z glasbo za vzletno-pristajalno revijo WOOD WOOD FW23 in z ustvarjanjem obsežne zvočne kulise za film Alectre Rothschild FW23 Runway, oboje med tednom mode v Kopenhagnu.
dj g2g (they/she) is a Danish/Uruguayan artist, producer & DJ. Through their energetic, playful, fun and experimental approach to mixing genres while referencing popular internet-culture, They have created their own characteristic signature. Having graduated from The Danish Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Electronic Composition along with touring across the world DJ'ing, this has laid the foundation from which dj g2g produces and creates music that focuses on genre-bending sounds with hybrids of many origins as opposed to being bound by the rules/traditions of one. dj g2g’s sets attest to both the Uruguayan and Danish sides of their heritage, intricately splicing together modern Latin club sounds like perreo, cumbia, and guaracha with the deep dance music traditions found in Europe. Through their keen ear, g2g is able to effortlessly weave sets together, while retaining the wonderment and freedom that brought them to dance music in the first place. This fun spirit has brought dj g2g to dancefloors all over the world, from Barcelona’s Razzmatazz to Taipei’s FINAL.Lately, dj g2g has expanded their practice by making soundtracks for documentaries and fashion shows, having just shared their work in Dion Lee SS23 campaign film, the music for the WOOD WOOD FW23 runway show, and an extensive soundscape for Alectra Rothschild FW23 Runway film both during Copenhagen Fashion Week.