Luka Prinčič & The Feminalz (LIVE) predstavlja nov album z naslovom "Mad Jakale", ki izide avgusta pri založbi Kamizdat. Gre za pokvirjanje žanrov v elektronski preobleki in glasbo inspirirano s klubsko-odrskim raziskovanjem muzikala, burleske, satire, politike, časa in telesa.
Luka Prinčič (vsi zaimki / any pronoun) ima za seboj skoraj 30 letno pot produkcije elektronske in računalniške glasbe, nastopov, DJ setov, klubskih večerov, novomedijske umetnosti, performansa, aktivizma, zagovorništva, ter različnih avtonomnih tehno-skupnosti. Dela pri zavodu Emanat, vodi spletno založbo Kamizdat in kvir-žanrski večer Major Arcana v klubu Monokel. Poleg eksperimentalne sinteze računalniškega zvoka, ga na klubskih plesiščih intrigirajo bass odvodi sinkopiranega post-elektra s poceni brejki in kreativni prehodi med maskaro in eyelinerjem.
Luka Prinčič (vsi zaimki / any pronoun) ima za seboj skoraj 30 letno pot produkcije elektronske in računalniške glasbe, nastopov, DJ setov, klubskih večerov, novomedijske umetnosti, performansa, aktivizma, zagovorništva, ter različnih avtonomnih tehno-skupnosti. Dela pri zavodu Emanat, vodi spletno založbo Kamizdat in kvir-žanrski večer Major Arcana v klubu Monokel. Poleg eksperimentalne sinteze računalniškega zvoka, ga na klubskih plesiščih intrigirajo bass odvodi sinkopiranega post-elektra s poceni brejki in kreativni prehodi med maskaro in eyelinerjem.
Luka Prinčič & The Feminalz (LIVE) presents their new album "Mad Jakale", which will be released in August on Kamizdat. It is a queering of genres in an electronic guise, and music informed by a club-inspired exploration of musical theatre, burlesque, satire, politics, time, and the body.
Luka Prinčič (any pronoun) has had a nearly 30 year career of electronic and computer music production, performances, DJ sets, club nights, new media art, performance, activism, advocacy, and various autonomous techno-communities. He works at the Emanat Institute, runs the Kamizdat online label and the Major Arcana queer-genre night at the club Monokel. In addition to experimental computer sound synthesis, he is intrigued by the bass-driven syncopated post-electro, with cheap breaks and creative transitions between mascara and eyeliner on the club dancefloors.
Luka Prinčič (any pronoun) has had a nearly 30 year career of electronic and computer music production, performances, DJ sets, club nights, new media art, performance, activism, advocacy, and various autonomous techno-communities. He works at the Emanat Institute, runs the Kamizdat online label and the Major Arcana queer-genre night at the club Monokel. In addition to experimental computer sound synthesis, he is intrigued by the bass-driven syncopated post-electro, with cheap breaks and creative transitions between mascara and eyeliner on the club dancefloors.