Palestina, norost vladajočega sistema in dekolonializem
- pogovor z Mustafom Jayyousijem
v četrtek, 18. 7. 2024 ob 18.00 uri v Pritličju
Mentalno zdravje je politično. Aktivizem je vseživljenjska zaveza. Terapija je družbeni aktivizem. To so izhodišča za palestinskega aktivista in psihoterapevta, ki je študiral v Nablusu, delal kot psiholog s palestinskimi begunci na Zahodnem bregu, sedaj pa že dobro poldrugo desetletje živi na Norveškem, kjer še naprej sodeluje z begunci širom evropske in sredozemske regije.Kaj se dogaja na okupiranem Zahodnem bregu, kjer so še vedno njegova družina in sorodniki, kaj pomeni preživetje za kmete v vasi Jayyous, iz katere prihaja, ter kako dekolonizirati mentalno zdravje? O vsem tem ter o ostalih vprašanjih, ki jih danes odpirajo izraelska hudodelstva v Palestini, se bomo pogovajali z Mustafom Jayyousijem. Pogovor bo potekal v angleščini.
Palestina, norost vladajočega sistema in dekolonializem
- pogovor z Mustafom Jayyousijem
v četrtek, 18. 7. 2024 ob 18.00 uri v Pritličju
Mentalno zdravje je politično. Aktivizem je vseživljenjska zaveza. Terapija je družbeni aktivizem. To so izhodišča za palestinskega aktivista in psihoterapevta, ki je študiral v Nablusu, delal kot psiholog s palestinskimi begunci na Zahodnem bregu, sedaj pa že dobro poldrugo desetletje živi na Norveškem, kjer še naprej sodeluje z begunci širom evropske in sredozemske regije.Kaj se dogaja na okupiranem Zahodnem bregu, kjer so še vedno njegova družina in sorodniki, kaj pomeni preživetje za kmete v vasi Jayyous, iz katere prihaja, ter kako dekolonizirati mentalno zdravje? O vsem tem ter o ostalih vprašanjih, ki jih danes odpirajo izraelska hudodelstva v Palestini, se bomo pogovajali z Mustafom Jayyousijem. Pogovor bo potekal v angleščini.
Palestine, the insanity of the ruling system and decolonialism - a conversation with
Mustafa Jayyousion
Thursday, 18th July 2024 at 6 PM in Pritličje
Mental health is political. Activism is a lifetime commitment. Therapy is social activism. These are the starting points for a Palestinian activist and psychotherapist, who studied in Nablus, worked as a psychologist with the Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and has now for more than 15 years lived in Norway, continuing his work with refugees in the European and Mediterranean region.What is the situation like in the occupied West Bank, where Mustafa Jayyousi’s family continues to live, what does survival mean for farmers in the village of Jayyous, where he is from, and how to decolonize mental health? We will try to answer these and other questions, raised by continuing Israeli crimes in Palestine.
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Palestine, the insanity of the ruling system and decolonialism - a conversation with
Mustafa Jayyousion
Thursday, 18th July 2024 at 6 PM in Pritličje
Mental health is political. Activism is a lifetime commitment. Therapy is social activism. These are the starting points for a Palestinian activist and psychotherapist, who studied in Nablus, worked as a psychologist with the Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and has now for more than 15 years lived in Norway, continuing his work with refugees in the European and Mediterranean region.What is the situation like in the occupied West Bank, where Mustafa Jayyousi’s family continues to live, what does survival mean for farmers in the village of Jayyous, where he is from, and how to decolonize mental health? We will try to answer these and other questions, raised by continuing Israeli crimes in Palestine.
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