
Raketa je poskočna didžejka ghetto in bass plesnih zvrsti, najraje pa rola elektro. Njeno igrišče za preučevanje klubske kulture je avtorska oddaja Vibe check na Radiu Študent, poleg tega pa je ravnokar pričela z rezidenco na belgijskem radiu založbe Black Teeth. Z nedavne turneje po Indiji prihaja kot zmagovalka v kategoriji nad 160BPM.

Raketa is a bouncy DJ of ghetto and bass dance genres, but her favourite is electro. Her playground for exploring club culture is the original show Vibe check on Radio Študent, and she has just started a residency at the Belgian radio label Black Teeth. She is coming off a recent tour of India as the winner in the over 160BPM category.