TEMA / THEME 2024:

Antipalestinski rasizem in dekolonijalni odpor

Genocid izraelske države nad palestinskim prebivalstvom na eni strani ter antisemitizem na drugi sta le redko umeščena v kontekst evropskega rasizma, ki je vključeval imperializem, kolonializem in suženjstvo. Vez med rasizmom, kolonializmom in antisemitizmom je izpostavila že Hannah Arendt, ki je med drugim opozarjala, da je rasistično nasilje evropskega kolonializma v Afriki tlakovalo pot nacističnemu antisemitizmu, ki je temeljil na rasni hierarhiji in je privedel do nezamisljivih grozot holokavsta. Aimé Césaire je nekaj let po drugi svetovni pisal o tem, kako je nacizem samo pripeljal kolonialno logiko in metode (vključno z genocidom) na evropska tla, šok nad grozodejstvi holokavsta pa ni (le) šok nad tem, kaj se je zgodilo, ampak kje in komu se je zgodilo - v Evropi, Evropejcem. Edward Said je posledice evropskega rasizma, ki so med drugo svetovno vojno kulminirale v holokavst, po njej pa v oblikovanje izraelske države in pogrom nad palestinskim prebivalstvom, izrazil z besedami, da so Palestinci "žrtve žrtev, begunci beguncev". Za konec morije in zagotovitev trajnega miru je potrebno univerzalistično razumevanje antirasizma in človekovih pravic. Antipalestinski rasizem je treba prepoznati kot obliko rasizma, ki zatira, briše, zaničuje in dehumanizira Palestince in njihove pripovedi, hkrati je treba prepoznati pomemben vpliv sionizma na porajanje in utrjevanje tako antipalestinizma kot antisemitizma. Zgolj tak pogled omogoča skupno prihodnost, enako in svobodno za vse.

Antipalestinian racism and decolonial resistance

The genocide committed by the Israeli state against the Palestinian population on the one hand, and antisemitism on the other, are rarely placed in the context of European racism, which included imperialism, colonialism and slavery. The link between racism, colonialism and antisemitism was already highlighted by Hannah Arendt, who pointed out that the racist violence of European colonialism in Africa paved the way for the Nazi antisemitism based on racial hierarchy, which led to the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust. A few years after the Second World War Aimé Césaire wrote about how Nazism merely brought colonial logic and methods (including genocide) to European soil, and the shock at the atrocities of the Holocaust is not (only) a shock at what happened, but where and to whom it happened - in Europe, to Europeans. Edward Said expressed the consequences of European racism, which culminated in the Holocaust during the Second World War and in the creation of the Israeli state and the pogrom against the Palestinian population after it, by saying that the Palestinians are 'victims of victims, refugees of refugees'. An end to the slaughter and a lasting peace require a universalist understanding of anti-racism and human rights. Antipalestinian racism must be recognised as a form of racism that oppresses, erases, defames and dehumanises Palestinians and their narratives. At the same time, the significant influence of zionism on the emergence and reinforcement of antipalestinianism as well as antisemitism must be recognised. Only such a view allows for a joint future, equal and free for all.