Ivonino umetniško kariero so zaznamovala samostojna dela in sodelovanja, s katerimi je ustvarila edinstven in svež zvok. Kot producentka in izvajalka se ne izogiba introspekciji in senzibilnosti ter združuje ambientalno in basovsko glasbo z analognim in digitalnim oblikovanjem zvoka. Svoje delo širi z ambientalno in eksperimentalno clu elektroniko, hip hopom, popom, pa tudi s komponiranjem za filme in gledališke igre.
Z izkušnjami nastopanja na pomembnih regionalnih festivalih (Illectricity, festival ZEZ, Music
Biennale Zagreb, Grounded), pa tudi na prvem showcase festivalu na Hrvaškem, SHIP, je tonota sodelovala na številnih glasbenih delavnicah in rezidencah, ne le na Hrvaškem
pa tudi v tujini. Njeno delo je bilo prepoznano na mednarodni ravni. Poleg solo izdaje "sve se kretalo i sve je stalo" (2020) je svoje skladbe objavila tudi na
založbah iz Združenega kraljestva in Slovenije.
V letu 2023 je izdala single na kompilaciji festivala Grounded - Peace, za leto 2024 pa je uvrščena v izbor glasbenikov evropske platforme SHAPE.
Z izkušnjami nastopanja na pomembnih regionalnih festivalih (Illectricity, festival ZEZ, Music
Biennale Zagreb, Grounded), pa tudi na prvem showcase festivalu na Hrvaškem, SHIP, je tonota sodelovala na številnih glasbenih delavnicah in rezidencah, ne le na Hrvaškem
pa tudi v tujini. Njeno delo je bilo prepoznano na mednarodni ravni. Poleg solo izdaje "sve se kretalo i sve je stalo" (2020) je svoje skladbe objavila tudi na
založbah iz Združenega kraljestva in Slovenije.
V letu 2023 je izdala single na kompilaciji festivala Grounded - Peace, za leto 2024 pa je uvrščena v izbor glasbenikov evropske platforme SHAPE.
Ivona’s artistic career has been marked by independent work and collaborations that sough to create a unique and fresh sound. Not shying away from introspection and sensibility, as a producer and a performer, Ivona combines ambient and bass music with analogue and digital sound design. She expands her work through ambient and experimental clu electronics, hip hop, pop, but also by composing for films and plays.
With experience performing at significant regional festivals (Illectricity, ZEZ festival, Music
Biennale Zagreb, Grounded), as well as at the first showcase festival in Croatia, SHIP, tonota has participated in numerous music workshops and residencies not only in Croatia
but also abroad. Her work has been recognized on an international level. In addition to her solo release 'sve se kretalo i sve je stalo' (2020), she has published her compositions on
labels from the United Kingdom and Slovenia.
She released a track on Festival Grounded’s firist VA compilation in 2023, she’s in the SHAPE artist rooster for 2024
With experience performing at significant regional festivals (Illectricity, ZEZ festival, Music
Biennale Zagreb, Grounded), as well as at the first showcase festival in Croatia, SHIP, tonota has participated in numerous music workshops and residencies not only in Croatia
but also abroad. Her work has been recognized on an international level. In addition to her solo release 'sve se kretalo i sve je stalo' (2020), she has published her compositions on
labels from the United Kingdom and Slovenia.
She released a track on Festival Grounded’s firist VA compilation in 2023, she’s in the SHAPE artist rooster for 2024