[NL / BA]

Umanea, sicer raziskovalka koral, v svojih setih rada raziskuje kontraste med tolkali/težkimi basovskimi formacijami ter občutki breztežnosti in katarze. Odraščala je v Sarajevu, zdaj pa živi v Amsterdamu. študira in črpa navdih iz zemeljskih sistemov in njihovih kompleksnih sinergij ter ga uteleša v svojih abrazivnih in čustvenih zvočnih krajinah.
Umanea, a coral researcher, likes to explore the contrasts between percussion/bass-heavy forms, and the feelings of weightlessness and catharsis in her sets. Raised in Sarajevo and now based in Amsterdam, she studies and draws inspiration from earth systems and their complex synergies, embodying it in her abrasive and emotional soundscapes.