Misliti (o) mir(u) iz postjugoslovanskih prostorov

Če presežemo idejo miru kot odsotnosti vojne (ali njene obnove) in/ali idejo miru kot sožitja znotraj ustaljenega (liberalnega) reda, bi radi razmišljali in govorili o miru kot konceptu, ki govori o potrebah - in iz njih - izkušnjah in znanju postjugoslovanskih prostorov, krajev in ljudi. Tako imenovani postjugoslovanski prostori so že več kot dve desetletji izpostavljeni neštetim oblikam mednarodnih intervencij, katerih cilj je bil vzpostaviti "model liberalnega miru" z evroatlantskim povezovanjem regije in institucionalnimi reformami. Ti procesi so predpostavljali, da je znanje o tem, kaj je "univerzalni mir", kako ga je mogoče zgraditi in kdo ga lahko zgradi, zunaj "postjugoslovanskih prostorov" ter da ga je treba uvoziti in posredovati regiji in njenim številnim različnim in raznolikim prebivalcem.  Želimo si, da bi v našem pogovoru obrnili ta pogled in se pogovarjali o idejah miru, ki izhajajo iz vsakodnevnih zahtev po pravičnosti prebivalcev regije in zahtev trenutno prevladujočih družbenih gibanj.

Na pogovoru bodo sodelovale dr. Sladjana Lazić in dr. Emina Bužinkić, pogovor pa bo vodila Kristina Božič

Sponzor pogovora je spletna revija z odprtim dostopom AGITATE! – platforma znanj, ki želi zamajati prevladujoče načine delovanja, politik in praks strokovnjakov.

 Thinking (about) peace from within the post-Yugoslav spaces

Going beyond the idea of peace as the absence of war (or the recovery thereof) and/or the idea of peace as harmony within the established (liberal) order, I would like us to think and talk about peace as a concept that speaks to – and speaks from within -  the needs, experiences, and knowledges of the post-Yugoslav spaces, places, and peoples. For more than two decades now, the so-called post-Yugoslav spaces have been exposed to myriad forms of international interventions aimed at building a “blueprint liberal peace” through Euro-Atlantic integration of the region and institutional reforms. These processes assumed that knowledges about what is ‘one-world-peace’, then how it could be built, and who can build it, resided outside of ‘the post-Yugoslav spaces’ and needed to be imported and imparted onto the region and its many different and diverse peoples.  I would like us to flip this gaze in our conversation, and to talk about the ideas of peace that emerge from the everyday (in)justice claims of the region’s peoples and the demands of the currently dominant social movements.

The panellists in the discussion will be Dr Sladjana Lazić
and Dr Emina Bužinkić, the panel will be moderated by Kristina Božič.

This discussion is sponsored by online, open access journal, AGITATE!, a platform for knowledges that seek to unsettle the dominant politics and practices of experts.