Alenka Arko je diplomirala iz mednarodnih odnosov na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani. Zanimanje za zunanjepolitična dogajanja je nadaljevala v zunanjepolitični redakciji TV Slovenija, kjer je delala že med študijem, od 1989 pa zaradi znanja francoskega jezika nadaljevala predvsem s poročanjem o dogodkih iz frankofonskih držav. Za oddajo o povojni kolaboraciji na primeru Francije pa je 1993 z drugimi sodelavci prejela skupinsko nagrado za posebne dosežke Društva novinarjev. Zadnje leto, ko je bila zaposlena na TV Slovenija, je pripravljala oddajo Zrcalo tedna in bila voditeljica televizijskega dnevnika. Od začetka delovanja POP TV 1995 je bila najprej urednica oddaje 24UR, od septembra 2001 pa nadaljuje delo kot glavna urednica in voditeljica oddaje Preverjeno, kjer je za njo že 22. sezona. Leta 2006 je bila nominirana za Slovenko leta. Konec osemdesetih in v začetku devetdesetih je bila članica slovenske mirovnega gibanja.
Alenka Arko graduated in International Relations from the Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Ljubljana. She continued her interest in foreign policy in the foreign policy editorial office of TV Slovenia, where she worked during her studies, and from 1989, thanks to her knowledge of French, she continued to report mainly on events in Francophone countries. In 1993, she and her colleagues received the collective award for special achievements of the Association of Journalists for a programme on post-war collaboration in the case of France. During her last year at TV Slovenia, she worked on the Mirror of the Week programme and was the presenter of the TV daily. Since the launch of POP TV in 1995, she has been the editor of 24UR, and since September 2001 she has continued as the editor-in-chief and presenter of “Preverjeno”, which is now in its 22nd season. In 2006, she was nominated for Slovenian Woman of the Year. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, she was a member of the Slovenian peace movement.