Barbara Šurk je po študiju na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti,je študirala v ZDA na univerzah Duke v severni Karolini, Tennessee v Knoxvillu in Stanford v Kaliforniji, o ZDA je poročala za časnik Dnevnik in občasno tudi za RTV Slovenija. Petnajst let je preživela na Bližnjem vzhodu, kjer je bila dopisnica Dela iz Jeruzalema in od leta 2006 za ameriško tiskovno agencijo The Associated Press. Poročala je o ameriški invaziji na Irak, izraelski okupaciji in palestinski intifadi, državljanski vojni v Siriji, nastanku Isisa. Po vrnitvi z Bližnjega vzhoda je za New York Times poročala z Balkana, v Bruslju je bila urednica portala Politico. Trenutno živi na jugu Francije.
After graduating from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, Barbara Šurk studied in the USA at Duke University, the University of Tennessee and Stanford University. She has reported on the USA for the Slovenian Dnevnik daily and occasionally for RTV Slovenia. She spent 15 years in the Middle East, where she was a Jerusalem correspondent for Delo daily and, since 2006, for the The Associated Press. She has covered the US invasion of Iraq, the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian intifada, the civil war in Syria and the emergence of Isis. Since returning from the Middle East, she has reported from the Balkans for the New York Times and was editor of Politico in Brussels. She currently lives in the South of France.