live [LT]
Gediminas Žygus (LT) izvaja interdisciplinarne projekte, ki vključujejo glasbene albume, instalacije, performanse in kratke filme. Gediminas deluje na presečišču politike in umetnosti ter raziskuje teme, kot sta kolektivno oblikovanje sveta in znanstveni neuspeh. Njena_njegova dela so bila predstavljena v institucijah, kot so Barbican Centre (UK), Berghain (DE), La Biennale di Venezia (IT), Centre Pompidou (FR), Haus der Kunst München (DE), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (DE), Palais De Tokyo (FR), The Kitchen (ZDA) in Unsound Festival (PL) in druge. Sodeloval_a je tudi z različnimi umetniki, kot je Holly Childs, s katero sta ustvarila več albumov in performansov. Gediminas ima magisterij iz filma, oblikovanja in politike z univerze Sandberg Instituut v Amsterdamu.
Gediminas Žygus (LT) practice involves interdisciplinary projects, including music albums, installations, performances and short films. Gediminas works within the intersection of politics and art and explores themes, such as collective worldmaking and scientific failure. Their work has been featured at institutions such as Barbican Centre (UK), Berghain (DE), La Biennale di Venezia (IT), Centre Pompidou (FR), Haus der Kunst Munich (DE), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (DE), Palais De Tokyo (FR), The Kitchen (USA) and Unsound Festival (PL) and others. They have also collaborated with various artists, such as Holly Childs, with whom they have produced several albums and performance works. Gediminas holds a Master’s degree in Film, Design and Politics from the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam.