Prva kompilacija Festivala Grounded bo izšla vzporedno z njegovo 7. edicijo, ki bo potekala od 24.8. - 26.8.2023 v Ljubljani, z letošnjo temo MIR.
Kompilacija združuje širok spekter prodornih lokalnih in mednarodnih producentk_ov, ki vsak_a s svojim glasbenim prispevkom gradijo smernice
raznolike žanrsko neomejene klubske, eksperimentalne in postpop elektronske zvočne izkušnje.
Nekatere od njih ste že slišali nastopati na naših preteklih edicijah, nekateri pa se bodo letos prvič predstavile_i tudi v okviru festivalskega programa.
Z celotnim izkupičkom od fizične in digitalne prodaje bomo podprli prizadevanja Ukrajine za pravičnost in mir ter ga donirali ukrajinski skupnosti LGBTIQ+ vojakov_kinj (
Prva kompilacija Festivala Grounded bo izšla vzporedno z njegovo 7. edicijo, ki bo potekala od 24.8. - 26.8.2023 v Ljubljani, z letošnjo temo MIR.
Kompilacija združuje širok spekter prodornih lokalnih in mednarodnih producentk_ov, ki vsak_a s svojim glasbenim prispevkom gradijo smernice
raznolike žanrsko neomejene klubske, eksperimentalne in postpop elektronske zvočne izkušnje.
Nekatere od njih ste že slišali nastopati na naših preteklih edicijah, nekateri pa se bodo letos prvič predstavile_i tudi v okviru festivalskega programa.
Z celotnim izkupičkom od fizične in digitalne prodaje bomo podprli prizadevanja Ukrajine za pravičnost in mir ter ga donirali ukrajinski skupnosti LGBTIQ+ vojakov_kinj (
The 1st Grounded Festival VA compilation will be released in parallel to its 7th edition, happening from 24.8. - 26.8.2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with this year theme PEACE.
The VA compilation brings together a wide range of local and international producers, each with their musical contribution building the guidelines of a
diverse, genre-unlimited club, experimental and post-pop electronic sound experience.
You have already heard some of them perform at our previous editions, and some of them will perform for the first time this year as part of the festival program.
All the proceeds from physical and digital sales will support Ukraine's efforts for justice and peace, and will be donated to the Union of the LGBTIQ+ military in Ukraine
The 1st Grounded Festival VA compilation will be released in parallel to its 7th edition, happening from 24.8. - 26.8.2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with this year theme PEACE.
The VA compilation brings together a wide range of local and international producers, each with their musical contribution building the guidelines of a
diverse, genre-unlimited club, experimental and post-pop electronic sound experience.
You have already heard some of them perform at our previous editions, and some of them will perform for the first time this year as part of the festival program.
All the proceeds from physical and digital sales will support Ukraine's efforts for justice and peace, and will be donated to the Union of the LGBTIQ+ military in Ukraine
Miss Jay @m1ssjay
G04T @g04t69
jtamul @jtamul
varboska @varboska
Ariel Zetina @arielzetina & Composuresquad @composuresquad
mapalma @mapalma
Toyota Vangelis @toyota-vangelis
Warrego Valles @warregovalles
Muzikačaka @muzikacaka
Fiji3000 @fiji3000-music
DJ YTP @djytpisvibin
tonota @tonotamusic
Holy Similaun + Espect @holysimilaun
dvidevat @dvidevat
NURSE3D @nurse3d
KUTHI JIN @kuthijin
Sha Ru @sharusound
Luka Prinčič @novadeviator
Mala Roza Muca @malarozamuca
msn gf @msn_gf
SsmKOSK @ssmkosk
Fausto Mercier @fausto_mercier
N/OBE @n-obezg
Fujita Pinnacle @fujitapinnacle
Ascyth @ascyth & @gabi98