Janez Weiss je doktoriral iz zgodovine na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani z disertacijo “Japodi, Karni in Tavriski v času širitve in utrjevanja rimske oblasti v 2. in 1. stoletju pred našim štetjem”. Je avtor, prevajalec in urednik, zaposlen v Mestni muzejski zbirki Črnomelj. Je tudi član glasbenih zasedb Broken Lock in USIL ter avtor glasbe za gledališke in plesne predstave. 

Janez Weiss received his PhD in history from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana with the dissertation "Japodi, Karni and Tauriski during the expansion and consolidation of Roman power in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC". He is an author, translator and editor working at the City Museum Collection in Črnomelj. He is also a member of the bands Broken Lock and USIL and composer of music for theatre and dance performances.