Ljiljana Spasić je protivojna in mirovna aktivistka iz Srbije, ena od ustanoviteljic protivojnega gibanja - “Gibanje za mir Pančevo” in društva “Civilna akcija Pančev”. Je dolgoletna sodelavka Radia Pančevo in Mladinskega centra Pančevo. Med letoma 2000 in 2015 je organizirala številne dogodke, namenjene uveljavljanju človekovih pravic. Že 30 let se neprekinjeno zavzema za spoštovanje človekovih in manjšinskih pravic ter skupaj s številnimi organizacijami (Žene v črnem, Sklad za humanitarno pravo, Forum ZDF, Iniciativa mladih za človekove pravice) namesto slavljenja vojnih zločincev in obnove Srbije kot avtokratske države zagovarja nujnost soočanja s preteklostjo.
Ljiljana Spasić is an anti-war and peace activist, one of the founders of the anti-war movement “Movement for Peace Pančevo” and the association “Civil Action Pančevo”. She is a long-time associate of Radio Pančevo and the Pančevo Youth Center. Between 2000 and 2015, she organized numerous events aimed at affirming human rights. For the past 30 years, she has continuously advocated for the respect of human and minority rights and together with numerous organizations (Women in Black, Fund for Humanitarian Law, ZDF Forum, Youth Initiative for Human Rights) advocates the need to face the past - instead of celebrating war criminals and rebuilding Serbia as an autocratic state.