Lučka Kajfež Bogataj je mednarodno priznana klimatologinja. Po diplomi na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko je magistrirala in doktorirala iz biometeorologije na Biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani, nato se je podoktorsko usposabljala v ZDA in na Švedskem. Je redna profesorica na Katedri za agrometeorologijo, urejanje kmetijskega prostora ter ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja na Biotehniški fakulteti ter dolgoletna članica Medvladnega odbora za podnebne spremembe pri Združenih narodih (IPCC). Leta 2007 je IPCC za prizadevanje pri ozaveščanju javnosti o usodnih posledicah segrevanja ozračja prejel Nobelovo nagrado za mir, s čimer je Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, kot del ekipe IPCC, postala so prejemnica nagrade. Za svoje strokovno in raziskovalno delo, kjer se osredotoča zlasti na vpliv vremena in podnebnih sprememb na rastlinsko pridelavo in človeka, je prejela vrsto drugih prestižnih nagrad in priznanj. Na evropski ravni je bila med drugim imenovana v skupino »žensk, ki navdihujejo Evropo«.

Prof. Dr Lučka Kajfež Bogataj is an internationally renowned climatologist. After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, she completed her MSc and PhD in in Biometeorology chemistry from the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana, followed by postdoctoral training in the USA and Sweden. She is a full professor at the Department of Agrometeorology and  Agricultural Land Management at the Biotechnical Facult and a long-standing member of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In 2007, for its efforts towards raising public awareness about the fatal consequences of the warming of the atmosphere, the IPCC received the Nobel Peace Prize, and thus Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, as part of the IPCC team, became a joint recipient of the Prize. She has received a number of other prestigious prizes and awards for her professional and research work, which focuses in particular on the impact of weather and climate change on crop production and human beings. At European level, she has been named, among others, in the group of "Women who inspire Europe".