Matale je vizualna umetnica in didžejka iz Mitrovice na Kosovu. Je soustanoviteljica skupine Bijat, glasbenega kolektiva, ki se ukvarja z zagotavljanjem platforme za ženske in kvir osebe na prištinski elektronski glasbeni sceni. Je tudi soustanoviteljica klubskega večera Prishtine is Burning, ki je posvečen drag sceni v Prištini. Nekateri od glavnih klubov in festivalov, kjer je nastopila, so Boiler Room, Sonic Acts, Dokunights, Club Drugstore, Dokutech, ZaFest itd. Gostovala je tudi v nekaterih odmevnih svetovno znanih radijskih oddajah underground scene, kot so NTS Radio, Radio80000, Jerome Mixfile in Soft Spot.
Matale is a visual artist and a Dj from Mitrovica, Kosovo. She is the co-founder of Bijat, a music collective dedicated to providing a platform for women and queers in the Prishtina electronic music scene. She’s also the co-founder of Prishtine is Burning, a club night dedicated to drag scene of Prishtina. Some of the main clubs and festivals who hosted her are Boiler Room, Sonic Acts, Dokunights, Club Drugstore, Dokutech, ZaFest etc. She was also a guest artist in some of the predominant world-famous radios shows of the underground scene like NTS Radio, Radio80000, Jerome Mixfile and Soft Spot.