Sabina Talović je mirovna aktivistka in borka za pravice žensk iz Črne gore. Med vojnami v devetdesetih je bila zaradi svojega protivojnega delovanja izpostavljena diskriminaciji, represiji in fizičnim napadom. Leta 1999 ustanovila žensko skupino “Bona Fide”, ki zadnjih pet let solidarno pomaga beguncem z Bližnjega vzhoda. Bila je priča na Ženskem sodišču (2015) in aktivno sodeluje pri vseh aktivnostih Ženskega sodišča - feminističnega pristopa k pravičnosti, pa tudi v mreži Ženske v črnem. Leta 2019 je Sabina prejela nagrado za državljanski aktivizem civilne družbe v Črni gori.

Sabina Talović is a peace activist and activist for women's rights from Montenegro. During the wars of the 90s, Sabina made her anti-war resistance visible, and because of that, she was exposed to discrimination, repression and physical attacks. In 1999, Sabina founded the women's group “Bona Fide”, which has been providing solidarity assistance to refugees from the Middle East for the past five years. She was a witness at the Women's Court (2015) and actively participates in all activities of the Women's Court - a feminist approach to justice, as well as in the Women in Black network. In 2019, Sabina received an award for civic activism from the civil society in Montenegro.