Tadej Troha je filozof, znanstveni sodelavec in predstojnik Filozofskega inštituta ZRC SAZU, docent na Oddelku za pedagogiko in andragogiko ljubljanske Filozofske fakultete in Podiplomske šole ZRC SAZU. Bil je član delovne skupine za družbene in komunikacijske vidike upravljanja pandemije covida-19 v okviru posvetovalne skupine NIJZ. Je soavtor oddaje Prišepetovalci na Radiu Študent in kolumnist. Bil je voditelj oddaje Knjiga mene briga na RTV Slovenija in nastopil v več filmih, med drugim v režijskem prvencu Jana Cvitkoviča Kruh in mleko. Izdal je več znanstvenih člankov in prevodov. Je tudi avtor dveh znanstvenih monografij, ki sta izšli v zbirki Analecta pri Društvu za teoretsko psihoanalizo - Niti čudež niti čudež (2010) in Intervencije v nepovratno (2015). Je buden spremljevalec družbenega dogajanja, zadnjih nekaj mesecev pa tudi član Sveta RTV Slovenija.

Tadej Troha is a philosopher, scientific collaborator and Head of the Institute of Philosophy of ZRC SAZU, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and the Graduate School of ZRC SAZU. He was a member of the Working Group on Social and Communication Aspects of the Management of the Pandemic of Covida-19 in the framework of the Consultative Group of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). He is a co-author of the programme "Whisperers" on Radio Študent and a columnist. He was the host of the programme "Knjiga mene briga" on RTV Slovenia and has appeared in several films, including Jan Cvitkovič's "Kruh in mleko". He has published several scientific articles and translations, he is also the author of two scientific monographs published in the Analecta book series – Neither a Miracle nor a Miracle (2010) and Interventions to the Point of No Return (2015). He is a vigilant observer of social events and, for the last few months, a member of the Council of RTV Slovenia.