Kot producentka, vokalistka, didžejka in soustanoviteljica dunajske založbe Ashida Park je Antonia XM stalnica v
na hibridni klubski sceni. V njenih avtorskih delih ta v ospredju moč in čustva. Njen EP prvenec,
ki je izšel maja 2022, poskrbi za nežno spajanje elektronike in akustike, pri čemer združuje intimne kitarske vložke z nežnim vokalom in na trenutke agresivnimi klubskimi udarci in žgočimi sintetizatorji. Antonia XM ustvarja glasbo, ki maksimalizira čustveni učinek, pri tem pa nikoli ne izgubi izpred oči bistvenega elementa skrbnosti.

As a producer, vocalist, DJ and co-founder of Viennese label Ashida Park, Antonia XM is a fixed value in
the hybrid club scene. In her original work power and emotion are pushed to the forefront. Her debut EP,
released in May 2022, sees to a tender coupling of the electro and the acoustic, marrying intimate guitar
picking and softcore singing to at times violent club kicks and searing synths. Antonia XM makes music that
maximises emotional impact, without ever losing sight of an essential element of care.