Babilonska (Zagreb, Hrvaška) je didžejka, ki jo navdihujejo različni slogi, od ekscentričnega jazza, hip hopa in
psihedeličnih zvočnih pokrajin do hrupnih riffov iz globin pekla. Kot didžejka je dejavna ž skoraj desetletje, bodisi v nočnih klubih, na korporativnih koncertih ali na študentskem radiu. V svojih setih meša različne žanre, pri čemer se osredotoča na težke base in igriva tolkala, vendar vedno s ščepcem
psihedelije in dramatičnosti. Bila je kuratorka festivala ZEZ, ki predstavlja eksperimentalne glasbo in zvočno umetnost, ter je članica DJ kolektiva Subtilno, ki se ukvarja z bobnarsko glasbo in zvočno umetnostjo.
in bassu, footworku in junglu. Leta 2021 je nastopila na prvem hrvaškem dogodku Boiler Room.
psihedeličnih zvočnih pokrajin do hrupnih riffov iz globin pekla. Kot didžejka je dejavna ž skoraj desetletje, bodisi v nočnih klubih, na korporativnih koncertih ali na študentskem radiu. V svojih setih meša različne žanre, pri čemer se osredotoča na težke base in igriva tolkala, vendar vedno s ščepcem
psihedelije in dramatičnosti. Bila je kuratorka festivala ZEZ, ki predstavlja eksperimentalne glasbo in zvočno umetnost, ter je članica DJ kolektiva Subtilno, ki se ukvarja z bobnarsko glasbo in zvočno umetnostjo.
in bassu, footworku in junglu. Leta 2021 je nastopila na prvem hrvaškem dogodku Boiler Room.
Babilonska (Zagreb, Croatia) is a DJ inspired by styles ranging from eccentric jazz, hip hop and
psychedelic soundscapes to noisy riffs from the depths of hell. She has been active as a DJ for almost a decade now, be it at nightclubs, corporate gigs or student radio. In her sets, she mixes
a wide range of genres, focusing on heavy bass and playful percussion, but always with a pinch of psychedelia and drama. She was a curator at ZEZ Festival, which features experimental
music and sound art, and is a member of the DJ collective Subtilno, which is dedicated to drum and bass, footwork and jungle. In 2021, she performed at the first Croatian Boiler Room event.
psychedelic soundscapes to noisy riffs from the depths of hell. She has been active as a DJ for almost a decade now, be it at nightclubs, corporate gigs or student radio. In her sets, she mixes
a wide range of genres, focusing on heavy bass and playful percussion, but always with a pinch of psychedelia and drama. She was a curator at ZEZ Festival, which features experimental
music and sound art, and is a member of the DJ collective Subtilno, which is dedicated to drum and bass, footwork and jungle. In 2021, she performed at the first Croatian Boiler Room event.