Dvidevat kot dobro poznana predstavnica slovenske elektronske glasbene scene od leta 2019 polni domača plesišča. V svoji produkciji širi zvočne sfere med dediščino detroitskega electra, groovie breaksov, ghetto in hitrega tehna ter ustvarja prepoznavno obliko medgalaktičnega trušča. Podobna kinetična energija zaznamuje tudi njene vratolomne DJ sete. Njena diskografija vključuje različna gostovanja pri nekaterih znanih slovenskih založbah in na novoustanovljeni berlinski založbi Emotional Voyage Records. Njen debitantski solo EP "Idle Infection" in njena najnovejša plošča "Pulse Defusion" sta na lokalni in mednarodni sceni požela veliko podpore. Nestrpno pričakujemo, kaj nam bo dvidevat pripravila v prihodnosti.

As a well-known representative of the Slovenian electronic music scene, dvidevat has been filling local dance floors since 2019. In her production, she’s expanding the sonic realms between the heritage of Detroit electro, groovie breaks, nasty ghetto tech and fast-paced techno, creating a distinctive form of intergalactic fluster. A similar kinetic energy also mark her neck-breaking DJ sets. Her discography includes various guest appearances on some of the well-known Slovenian labels as well as on the newly launched Berlin label Emotional Voyage Records. Her debut solo EP “Idle Infection” and her latest release “Pulse Defusion” have gained a lot of support on the local and international scene. We eagerly await wha dvidevat has in store for us in the future.