
gabibabydoll (on_a/) del kolektiva matere QueerAnarchive (split), organizator_ka in dj rezident_ka njihovega klubskega programa Zvjerinjak ter soustanovitelj_ica Queer+ security, kolektiva, namenjenega ozaveščanju o bolj vključujočih klubskih programih in varnih(-ejših) prizoriščih.
gabi je mešanica jugozahoda, jugovzhoda in trenutno severa iz njihove domače rezidence; Zagreb. Njeni_njegovi večplastni seti imajo vse poslastice; od eklektičnih in nepričakovanih ritmov latinteka in guarače z malo nostalgije po tranceu in dembowu, ki jih prekrije nikoli prekisli techno.


gabibabydoll (they/them) part of the collective mother QueerAnarchive (split) a organizer and dj rezident from their club program Zvjerinjak and co-founder of Queer+ security, collective dedicated to raise awareness about more inclusive club programs and safe(r) venues.
gabi is a mixed of southwest, southeast and currently north from their home residency; Zagreb. Their polybased sets have all candies; from the eclectic and unexpected rhythms of latintek and guaracha with a bit of nostalgia from trance and dembow topping with a never sour techno.