Peace as written by decision-makers, recorded by the media and lived by the people

Z novinarkama, ki imata dolgoletne in neprecenljive izkušnje poročanja z vojnih območij, bomo govorili o tem, kako ljudje doživljajo mir v časih oboroženih spopadov in kakšen mir prinašajo mirovni sporazumi. Ni daytonski mir zgolj drugo ime za vojno z drugačnimi sredstvi in mirovni proces na Bližjem vzhodu evfemizem za okupacijo? Kaj pomeni mir v luči podnebnih sprememb? Kaj nam o sponzorjih miru (in vojne) govorijo aktualni konflikti v Sudanu in Nigerju. Kaj, če sploh, lahko za prekinitev verige nasilja naredi običajni državljan in kaj novinar? Na kakšen način h grajenju in spremljanju miru (in vojne) prispevajo socialna omrežja?

V pogovoru bosta sodelovali novinarki Aida Čerkez in Barbara Šurk, vodila pa ga bo Nataša Briški.

  Mir kot ga pišejo odločevalci, beležijo mediji in živijo ljudje

We will talk to two journalists with long and invaluable experience reporting from war zones about how people experience peace in times of armed conflict and what kind of peace peace agreements bring. Aren´t the Dayton peace accords just another name for war by other means and the Middle East peace process a euphemism for occupation? What does peace mean in the light of climate change? What do the current conflicts in Sudan and Niger tell us about the sponsors of peace (and war)? What, if anything, can the ordinary citizen and the journalist do to break the chain of violence? How do social networks contribute to building and monitoring peace (and war)?

The discussion will be moderated by Nataša Briški and will be joined by journalists Aida Čerkez and Barbara Šurk.