2018 je bila ustanovljena kvir platforma in kolektiv Ustanova, ki od tedaj s pristojnostmi na plesišču redno posega v javni prostor in ga vzgaja v skupnost. V petih letih delovanja so organizirale_i več kot 45 dogodkov, tri maratone, do apokaliptičnega l. 2020 gostili_e več navdihujočih in očarljivih gostij_ov (Object Blue, Deena Abdelwahed, Slikback, mapalma, A7ba-L-Jelly, Avtomat, Johana, Luz), ter kot zadnjo gostjo pred koronskim zatišjem gostili soustanoviteljico platforme Discwoman: Umfang. Preživeli so korono in z njo vladavino mračnjakov ter se dvignili kot feniks iz pepela s svežim vetrom v kvirovskih krilih, gostili so Jano Rush, speed friendali na FKKju, polagali roke z Nimaš Izbire v Tifli & Monoklu, nastopali_e na skoraj vseh domačih festivalih, kvirovali z gostjo Yozy in vam priredili serijo Pilingov, na katerih ste se lahko med drugim savnali, žegnal in dobili recept za ortopeda ali ginekologa. Gostovali_e so v Zagrebu, italijanski Gorici Udinah, afterirale_i po Prajdih tukaj in drugod. Letos na festivalu kolektivno zavzemajo južno dvorišče Metelkove.
2018 saw the creation of the queer platform and collective Ustanova, which has since then been regularly intervening in public space and educating it into a community through its competences on the dance floor. In five years of existence, they have organised more than 45 events, three marathons, hosted several inspiring and charming guests until the apocalyptic year 2020 (Object Blue, Deena Abdelwahed, Slikback, mapalma, A7ba-L-Jelly, Automata, Johana, Luz), and hosted the co-founder of the Discwoman platform, Umfang, as their last guest before the Corona lull. They survived Corona and with it the reign of the obscurantists and rose like a phoenix from the ashes with a fresh wind in their queer wings, they hosted Jana Rush, speed friended at FKK, they laid hands with Nimaš izbire at Tiffany & Monokel, performed at almost all local festivals, queered with guest Yozy and hosted a series of Piling sessions where you could enjoy a sauna, get blessed and get a prescription for an orthopedist or gynaecologist, amongst other things. They've been hosted in Zagreb, Udine, Gorizia, Italy, and have played after parties at the Pride festivals here and elsewhere. This year they are collectively occupying the south courtyard of Metelkova.