Elektro brunch: prvi FLINTA* meet-up
*female, lesbian, intersex, nonbinary, transgender, agender
Festivali, prizorišča, nočni dogodki in glasbena produkcija postajajo vedno bolj heterogena okolja, a na visokih pozicijah in vodenju industrije še vedno prevladujejo cis* moški. Na Grounded festivalu letos pripravljamo prvi povezovalni meet-up brunch vseh drugih identitet, ki znatno prispevajo k lokalni elektronski glasbeni sceni, jo soustvarjajo in poganjajo.
Od tehnic, lučkaric, izvedbenic, DJ-k, producentk, organizatork in novinark. Za krepitev scene in postavitev FLINTA oseb na vidno mesto se moramo med sabo tudi spoznati in ustvarjati nova prijateljstva ali profesionalne vezi. Vabljene_i v petek, 25.8., ob 12:30 v Pritličje. Prosimo, da svojo udeležbo potrdite na festivalgrounded.team@gmail.com .
Cis* = cisspolne osebe = osebe, ki se identificirajo s spolom, ki jim je bil pripisan ob rojstvu.
*female, lesbian, intersex, nonbinary, transgender, agender
Festivali, prizorišča, nočni dogodki in glasbena produkcija postajajo vedno bolj heterogena okolja, a na visokih pozicijah in vodenju industrije še vedno prevladujejo cis* moški. Na Grounded festivalu letos pripravljamo prvi povezovalni meet-up brunch vseh drugih identitet, ki znatno prispevajo k lokalni elektronski glasbeni sceni, jo soustvarjajo in poganjajo.
Od tehnic, lučkaric, izvedbenic, DJ-k, producentk, organizatork in novinark. Za krepitev scene in postavitev FLINTA oseb na vidno mesto se moramo med sabo tudi spoznati in ustvarjati nova prijateljstva ali profesionalne vezi. Vabljene_i v petek, 25.8., ob 12:30 v Pritličje. Prosimo, da svojo udeležbo potrdite na festivalgrounded.team@gmail.com .
Cis* = cisspolne osebe = osebe, ki se identificirajo s spolom, ki jim je bil pripisan ob rojstvu.
Elektro brunch: first FLINTA* meet-up
*female, lesbian, intersex, nonbinary, transgender, agender
Festivals, venues, night events and music production are becoming more and more heterogeneous, but high positions and industry leadership are still dominated by cis* men. This year Grounded festival is preparing a first meet-up brunch of all other identities that significantly contribute to, co-create and drive the local electronic music scene.
From sound/light technicians, performers, DJs, producers, organisers and journalists. In order to strengthen the scene and place FLINTA individuals in a visible place, we need to get to know each other and create new friendships or professional ties. You are invited to join us on Friday, August 25, at 12:30 in Pritličje (Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana). Please confirm your attendance at festivalgrounded.team@gmail.com.
Cis* = cisgender people = people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
*female, lesbian, intersex, nonbinary, transgender, agender
Festivals, venues, night events and music production are becoming more and more heterogeneous, but high positions and industry leadership are still dominated by cis* men. This year Grounded festival is preparing a first meet-up brunch of all other identities that significantly contribute to, co-create and drive the local electronic music scene.
From sound/light technicians, performers, DJs, producers, organisers and journalists. In order to strengthen the scene and place FLINTA individuals in a visible place, we need to get to know each other and create new friendships or professional ties. You are invited to join us on Friday, August 25, at 12:30 in Pritličje (Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana). Please confirm your attendance at festivalgrounded.team@gmail.com.
Cis* = cisgender people = people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.