Oris arhitekture miru v Evropi od 15. do 21. stoletja
Predavanje bo predstavilo pojem miru kot ga poznamo iz študij politične zgodovine Evrope od 15. do 21. stoletja, zlasti z ozirom na starejša obdobja. Osrednje vprašanje je, kakšna težišča in koordinate miru pozna Evropa skozi zadnjih šest stoletij, katere so bile dominantne sile in kako so urejale medsebojna razmerja. Kaj povedo stoletja arhitekture miru o tvorjenju miru v našem času.
Predaval bo zgodovinar dr. Janez Weiss.
Predavanje bo predstavilo pojem miru kot ga poznamo iz študij politične zgodovine Evrope od 15. do 21. stoletja, zlasti z ozirom na starejša obdobja. Osrednje vprašanje je, kakšna težišča in koordinate miru pozna Evropa skozi zadnjih šest stoletij, katere so bile dominantne sile in kako so urejale medsebojna razmerja. Kaj povedo stoletja arhitekture miru o tvorjenju miru v našem času.
Predaval bo zgodovinar dr. Janez Weiss.
Architecture of peace in Europe from the 15th to the 21st century
The lecture will present the concept of peace as we know it from studies of the political history of Europe from the 15th to the 21st century, especially with regard to older periods. The central question is what centers of gravity and coordinates of peace Europe has known over the past six centuries, what were the dominant powers and how they regulated mutual relations. What centuries of peace architecture say about peacemaking in our time.
The lecture will be held by historian dr. Janez Weiss.
The lecture will present the concept of peace as we know it from studies of the political history of Europe from the 15th to the 21st century, especially with regard to older periods. The central question is what centers of gravity and coordinates of peace Europe has known over the past six centuries, what were the dominant powers and how they regulated mutual relations. What centuries of peace architecture say about peacemaking in our time.
The lecture will be held by historian dr. Janez Weiss.